護士必學的Abbreviations(H - N)

回想起第一次去醫院實習的時候,面對著牌板裏很多看不懂的medical abbreviations,真的感到很無助。學校沒有教,當時的mentor也只是叫我們抄下來回家上網查,可是要去哪裏查呢?

回到家找來了最強大的Google搜尋,輸入了一堆抄下來的文字,例如CSCD、ADL,可是並不是全部都能找到。當時心想著這方面的資料真的少得可憐。於是Herman搜集並整理了一些medical abbreviations,供各位參考。



HAP = Hospital-acquired pneumonia
HBV = Hepatitis B virus
HCC = Hepatocellular carcinoma
HCV = Hepatitis C virus
HSDNM = Heart sound dual no murmur
HT = Hypertension
HTN = Hypertension
HPV = Human papillomvirus
HRZE = Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol
Hx = History


IAD = Incontinence associated dermatitis
IBD = Inflammatory bowel disease
ICA=Internal carotid arteries
ICD = Implantable cardioverter defibrillation
ICH = Intracerebral hemorrhage
ICU = Intensive care unit
I&D = Incision and drainage
IFG = Impaired fasting glucose
IFN = Interferon
IGT = Impaired glucose tolerance
IHD = Ischemic heart disease
ILI = Influenza-like illness
IMI = Intramuscular injection
INR = International normalized ratio
IV = Intravenous
IVF = Intravenous fluid / In vitro fertilisation
Ix = Investigations


KBOW = Kowloon hospital, Buddhist hospital, Our lady of Maryknoll hospital, Wong Tai Sin hospital 
KUB = Kidney, ureter, bladder( X ray)
KVO = Keep vein open


LA = Local anaesthetic
LAD = Left anterior descending artery
LBP = Low back pain
LFT = Liver function test
LLQ = Left lower quadrant
LMP = Last menstrual period
LOC = Loss of consciousness
LP = Lumbar puncture
LTOT = Long-term oxygen therapy
LUTS = Lower urinary tract symptoms
LUQ = Left upper quadrant
LVEF = Left ventricular ejection fraction


MCL = Medial collateral ligament
MDR TB = Multidrug resistant TB
MG = Myasthenia gravis
MMR = Measles, mumps, and rubella
MRCP = Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
MRI = Magnetic resonance imaging
MRSA = Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MSU = Mid-stream urine
MTX = Methotrexate
Mx = Management


NAD = Nothing abnormal discovered
NC = Nasal cannula
NKDA = No known drug allergy
Noct. = nocte(Latin) at night
NPA = Nasopharyngeal aspiration
NPO = Nothing per oral
NPOEM = NPO except medication
NPS = Nasopharyngeal swab
NRM = Non-rebreathing mask
NSAID = Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSND = Non somker non drinker
NSTEMI = Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

在這裏找不到你要查的Medical abbreviations嗎?歡迎在下面留言,讓我們一起建立一個完整的Medical abbreviations資料庫吧。


